Платформа знаний о семейных фермерских хозяйствах

Involving women and youth in responsible investment in agriculture and food systems in Ghana

Women and youth-led agri-enterprises (WYE) (which may also be operating as family businesses) in agricultural value chains have been identified as catalysts for rural transformation given their potential for creating employment and stimulating value addition both on and off-farm. Given that agriculture and food systems are likely to remain the key generators of employment in Ghana over the coming decades, and that 80% of all activities in the midstream of food value chain are undertaken by SMEs in Africa. It is very much necessary to generate the evidence to support the argument that family, women and youth-led agribusinesses have a key role to play in the rural transformation pathway underway in Ghana.

Издатель: FAO
Автор: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO
Организация: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO
Год: 2021
ISBN: 978-92-5-134972-4
Страна/страны: Ghana
Географический охват: Африки
Категория: Книга
Язык контента: English

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