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Agroecology and Local Markets: Sources of Hope During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Latin America

Over the past three decades, agroecology has gained much attention as the basis for the transition from conventional agriculture and external-market oriented production to ecological, localized agriculture that not only provides rural families with significant social, economic, and environmental benefits but also sustainably and more equitably feed urban populations.

Agroecology has been shown to substantially boost agricultural production, increase agro-biological diversity, strengthen resilience, and improve nutrition. Additionally, it often contributes to improvements in community infrastructure for sanitation, hygiene, and health, as well as improved community dynamics and increased leadership opportunities for women and youth.

COVID-19 has been especially hard on vulnerable populations that struggle to feed themselves even during good times. In this crisis, often it has been small farmers who have stepped up to feed their communities. These short and direct farmer-to-consumer relationships have demonstrated many advantages over the long supply chains that characterize most modern food systems. We see in their positive example the urgent need to promote new local food systems that guarantee the production of and access to abundant, healthy food for all.

In this context, Groundswell International has placed increased emphasis on building locally owned and operated businesses and connecting farmers to local markets, which helps ensure their incomes while also securing the communities’ access to food amid the widespread supply chain disruptions caused by the pandemic.

Young farmers are reclaiming their identities by innovating and diversifying ecological farm production using local resources and knowledge, launching new rural businesses, building new relationships that strengthen their communities, and participating in local savings and credit groups that help finance their farms and which also support local markets.

More farming families applying the best agroecological practices strengthen local food sovereignty and food security, helps restore the ecosystem, and contribute to a stronger local economy. It also strengthens the asset base of the communities when more people get involved in local savings and credit structures. And, finally, the integration of young people into the social dynamics of local organizations and politics makes the communities more dynamic.

Автор: Edwin Escoto
Организация: Groundswell International
Год: 2020
Страна/страны: Honduras
Географический охват: Латинской Америки и Карибского бассейна
Категория: Статья в блоге
Язык контента: English

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