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Agroecology TPP newsletter - Second Edition - March 2023

In this second edition of the Agroecology TPP newsletter, we want to take a moment to reflect on a major milestone – namely, the first Agroecology TPP’s All Members’ Forum meeting, which was held in Montpellier, France and online on 22-23 February.

Due to a number of COVID-19-related restrictions experienced over the last couple of years, this is the very first time that the Agroecology TPP Forum members gathered together to engage with one another and share updates. Participants included our supporting partners and representatives of key stakeholder groups, such as research organizations, donors, and civil society. Although mainly attended by staff from member institutions, we wanted to make sure that members of our Community of Practice (CoP) could also listen in and pose questions via an open session that delved into the AE-TPP project portfolio, looking at key achievements and results so far.

The meeting provided an opportunity to discuss and reflect on the AE-TPP’s priority areas, goals, and future development. For instance, in light of the Agroecology TPP’s mandate to do research differently – which came up several times during the meeting – Forum members have agreed to meet more regularly in targeted sessions to ensure coherence across projects and partners. The event re-affirmed the importance of AE-TPP’s focus on tackling both knowledge and implementation gaps that hinder agroecological transitions, the need to clarify our science-policy interface (in conjunction with the Agroecology Coalition), and what contribution the AE-TPP can make to capacity development.

Now that ideas, views, and opinions were shared and listened to, we are excited to take them on board and continue to improve and scale up our efforts to foster agroecological transitions globally.

A huge thank you to all of you who joined us in Montpellier and online, and for making our first Forum meeting a success. We will share progress following from the meeting with all of you as and when it becomes available.


The Agroecology TPP

Том: 2
Выпуск: 2
Автор: Agroecology TPP
Организация: The Transformative Partnership Platform on Agroecology
Год: 2023
Географический охват: Европейский союз
Категория: Информационный бюллетень
Язык контента: English

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