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Agricultural biodiversity weblog

This blog is it.

Our aim is to collect in one place anything we find on the internet that relates somehow to the notion of agricultural biodiversity (or agrobiodiversity, though we don’t particularly like the word), a big tent but one that the whole of humanity shelters beneath. If that helps others to find things of interest, so much the better.

We welcome contributions, either as comments to the items on the website, or as a message you can send from here. You don’t even need to register (though it would be nice if you did). So what are you waiting for?

About us, there’s not much more that needs to be said. We’re both professionally involved in biodiversity (and it isn’t hard to find out how) but this site is an entirely private affair for which we alone are responsible.

Автор: Luigi Guarino and Jeremy Cherfas
Организация: Agricultural biodiversity weblog
Год: 2022
Категория: Веб-сайт
Полный текст: https://agro.biodiver.se/about/
Язык контента: English

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