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Sustaining the Tuna Value Chain in Grenada

Tuna and tuna-like fishes, most notably the yellowfin and Atlantic sailfish make up about 70 percent of the reported catches in Grenada. With an estimated 2 550 tonnes of fish caught annually, fisheries play an important role in the Grenadian economy, providing employment and income, food and food security, while also being a major source of foreign exchange.

As a mainstay of the economy, fish is a key feature of local cuisine and diet. The fishing sector is predominantly small-scale commercial, supplying local markets and consumers with fresh fish. Furthermore, catch from the fishing vessels contributes to the export market.

Автор: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO
Организация: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO
Год: 2021
Страна/страны: Grenada
Географический охват: Латинской Америки и Карибского бассейна
Категория: Статья в блоге
Язык контента: English

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