Платформа знаний о семейных фермерских хозяйствах

Food quality standards and participation of farmers in modern supply chains in the Western Balkans

This report is based on a survey conducted in the Western Balkans and Turkey between June and November 2019. The survey focused on sectors deemed suitable for participation in modern supply chains (MSCs) and covered one to three sectors for each country. Based on data retrieved from national statistical offices and census data, a cross-sectional sample of farmers was created for each country and sector. The final dataset contains responses from 2,227 farmers. The report examines (i) the level of vertical coordination between farmers and buyers, (ii) the characteristics of farmers participating in MSCs, (iii) constraints faced by farmers in accessing MSCs, (iv) types of contractual relationships between farmers and their main buyers and (v) the importance attached to and monitoring of quality and safety attributes. Overall, the degree to which buyers care about and monitor food quality and safety aspects and the extent of vertical coordination throughout the chain vary considerably across sectors and countries. Certain countries remain rather traditional with regard to farmers’ relationships with buyers, while in others farmers and buyers have moved towards more coordinated relationships, in which production processes and food quality and safety are checked and monitored throughout the supply chain. Farmers highlight as constraints on entering MSCs lack of access to buyers in MSCs, uncertainty about marketing their products through these channels and potential inability to ensure sufficient quality. While there are policy programmes that aim to facilitate farmers’ integration into these chains, farmers’ participation in these programmes remains limited in many countries, and further insights into how to enhance their contribution are needed.

ISSN: 1831-9424
Издатель: Joint Research Centre (European Commission)
Автор: Nes, Kjersti ; Di Marcantonio, Federica ; Colen, Liesbeth ; Ciaian, Pavel
Организация: Joint Research Centre (European Commission)
Год: 2022
ISBN: 978-92-76-55085-3
Географический охват: Европы и Центральной Азии
Категория: Доклад
Язык контента: English

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