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High Cost of Cheap Water

The true value of water and freshwater ecosystems to people and planet

highlights the alarming degradation of freshwater ecosystems, posing a severe threat to human and planetary well-being and an estimated annual economic value of $58 trillion. The report emphasizes the urgent need for action to protect and restore rivers, lakes, wetlands, and groundwater aquifers. Shockingly, one-third of the world's wetlands have disappeared since 1970, and freshwater wildlife populations have seen an 83% decline. This crisis intensifies water and food insecurity, environmental harm, and exacerbates global challenges like nature loss and climate change. WWF International's Director-General, Dr. Kirsten Schuijt, underscores the vital importance of healthy freshwater ecosystems for water and food security, climate adaptation, and biodiversity conservation. The report indicates that direct economic benefits, such as water for households, agriculture and industry, amount to $7.5 trillion annually. But this pales in comparison to the unseen benefits, like water purification, carbon storage, and defense against extreme floods and droughts, which are seven times higher at $50 trillion annually. The rapid degradation of rivers, lakes, wetlands, and groundwater aquifers threatens not only these economic values but also the broader climate and sustainability goals.

Издатель: WWF
Автор: Dalberg Advisors
Другие авторы: Wijnand DeWit, Julia Lawson-Johns, Felina Lottner, Jean-Charles Guinchard
Организация: WWF
Год: 2023
Категория: Доклад
Язык контента: English

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