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From plate to planet: How local governments are driving action on climate change through food

City and regional governments are leading the way on real food and climate action, while national governments lag.

As governments gather at COP28 (Dubai, November 30) for the first global review of progress towards the Paris Agreement, IPES-Food urges governments to stop neglecting food systems in their climate pledges (NDCs) and to pay attention to the pioneering emissions-slashing efforts of cities and regions.

'From Plate to Planet' shows how local governments are pioneering policies on food and climate change through dozens of inspiring examples on the ground, including promoting healthy and sustainable diets, reducing food waste, shortening food chains, training organic farmers, and ensuring all residents can access healthy and sustainable food. Examples are drawn from signatories of the Glasgow Food and Climate Declaration.

To give us a fighting chance at limiting global warming, IPES-Food recommends:

  • Governments take the opportunity of the Paris Agreement stocktaking moment at COP28 to revise national climate commitments to systematically include food systems and local action.
  • National governments use the example of cities and regional governments as a blueprint for food and climate action – to inspire national food and climate policies. 
  • Governments act in coordination with city and regional governments, and provide more funding to them to take action on food and climate change, scaling it out to every city and region.
Издатель: IPES-Food
Автор: IPES-Food
Организация: IPES-Food
Год: 2023
Категория: Доклад
Язык контента: English

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