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The Knowledge Hub for Organic Agriculture in Eastern Africa (KHEA)

The Knowledge Hub for Organic Agriculture in Eastern Africa (KHEA) is one of the five Knowledge Hubs under the The Knowledge Centre for Organic Agriculture in Africa (KCOA) Project. This KHEA Hub is being coordinated by Biovision Africa Trust (BvAT) in Kenya as the lead agency with a co-hosting arrangement with Participatory Ecological Land Use Management (PELUM) Uganda. KHEA is currently being implemented in five Eastern Africa countries with Country Implementing Partners (CIPs) as follows: Kenya; PELUM Kenya, Uganda; PELUM Uganda, Rwanda; ROAM, Tanzania; TOAM and Madagascar; GSDM and SYMABIO

The main goal of the KHEA Hub is to integrate Ecological Organic Agriculture (EOA) into the participating countries’ agricultural systems by generating, capturing, and sharing information know-how and integrating these into agricultural practices and decision-making for improved livelihood.
Автор: The Knowledge Hub for Organic Agriculture in Eastern Africa (KHEA)
Организация: The Knowledge Hub for Organic Agriculture in Eastern Africa (KHEA)
Год: 2023
Географический охват: Африки
Категория: Веб-сайт
Полный текст: https://khea-africa.org/
Язык контента: English

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