Платформа знаний о семейных фермерских хозяйствах

Reflections on non-extractive participatory research for territorial food system transformation

Non-extractive and power-equalising research involves different knowledge holders (e.g. researchers and farmers) in a process of close cooperative engagement, jointly producing new knowledge, with mutual learning.

As such, this form of cooperative enquiry is a significant reversal from dominant roles, locations, and ways of knowing. I offer some examples and reflections on how to give 'non-researchers' (e.g. people from indigenous and local communities) more significant roles than before in the production and validation of knowledge. These reflections are based on past and ongoing participatory action-research with indigenous and local communities in the Andean Altiplano (Bolivia and Peru), Asia (India, Indonesia, Nepal and Iran), Europe (France, Italy, UK) and West Africa (Mali) where research/knowledge creation is done as much as possible with, for and by people – rather than on people – to understand how diverse local food systems can be sustained within territories.

 27/04/2023 - 27/04/2023
Автор: Michel Pimbert
Организация: Agroecological Transitions for Territorial Food Systems ATTER
Другие организации: Research Institute for Sustainability, Equity and Resilience, Coventry University
Год: 2023
Страна/страны: Bolivia (Plurinational State of), France, India, Indonesia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Italy, Mali, Nepal, Peru, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Категория: Конференция/совещание
Язык контента: English

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