Платформа знаний о семейных фермерских хозяйствах

Summary of the Brazil-France researcher/stakeholder seminar around agroecological food policies at the territorial scale

This public policymakers workshop aimed to discuss experiences of territorial policies in Brazil and France and innovative forms of collective action aimed at reconnecting agroecology, food and health. It brought together 15 people in person and 17 online: researchers, members of organizations and networks involved in these themes, public policy actors.

The event, organized at the CPDA in Rio by UFRRJ, INRAE, UFRGS and ASPTA (all participants of the ATTER network) with the participation of ANA (National Articulation of Agroecology) and the Foundation Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), benefited from the support of the ATTER project and also from the contribution of the Brazilian research agencies CAPES and CNPq.

The workshop was structured into two sessions, one on public policies and the other on collective action. In the first, the French experience of the policy of “Territorial Food Projects” as well as its variations in Ardèche, one of the study territories of our projects, were presented by G. Maréchal, C. Lamine and K. Nunes, and the Brazilian experiences of the cities of Curitiba and Belo Horizonte were reported by C. Grisa and D. Adil. In the second, Brazilian and French initiatives around the reconnection between agroecology, food and health were presented by H. Lopes, L. Soares, A. Freire, M. Jenatton and C. Lamine, with the aim of boosting cross-learning effects and translocal debates. Throughout the day, the debates, led by C. Schmitt, R. Maluf, P. Niederle and A. Brandenburg, made it possible to discuss numerous questions, particularly around the territorial scale, the place of greening in transitions, and the effects of crises and political ruptures.

Место: Rio de Janeiro
Организация: INRAE
Другие организации: ATTER (Agroecological Transition of TERritorial food systems), Universidade FEderal Rural do Rio de Janeiro
Год: 2023
Страна/страны: Brazil, France
Географический охват: Европы и Центральной Азии, Европейский союз, Латинской Америки и Карибского бассейна
Категория: Работа конференции
Язык контента: French

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