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Senegal: A Balanced Approach

Daouda Ndiaye of the National Collective of Artisanal Fishermen of Senegal (CNPS from the French)wears several hats. He is Co-chair of the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) and vice-president in charge of communication of the Joint Commission of the Professional Artisanal Fisheries Organizations of Senegal (CONIPAS). Edited excerpts of a conversation with him about Senegal’s artisanal fisheries and a wide range of issues

On the crisis in Senegal’s artisanal fishing Fish plays a very important role in nutrition and livelihood here. The volume of catches is estimated at over 0.46 million tonnes, representing high level of protein consumption. The COVID-19 pandemic left the fishing industry here in a very difficult situation. Several factors contributed to this. Worldwide economic disruption from the pandemic affected Senegal’s fish exports. COVID-19-related restrictions hit local fishing activities, hampering fishing operations. Fluctuating fish stocks, overfishing, degradation of the coastal environment, climate change, unsustainable fishing practices have also contributed. Conflicts over access to resources and governance also play a role.

Title of publication: Samudra Report
Выпуск: 90
ISSN: 0973-1121
Число страниц: 39-44
Автор: Daouda Ndiaye
Организация: The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
Год: 2023
Страна/страны: Senegal
Географический охват: Африки
Категория: Статья информационного бюллетеня
Язык контента: English

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