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Agroecological transition: Towards a better understanding of the impact of ecology-based farming practices on soil microbial ecotoxicology

Alternative farming systems have developed since the beginning of industrial agriculture. Organic, biodynamic, conservation farming, agroecology and permaculture, all share a grounding in ecological concepts and a belief that farmers should work with nature rather than damage it. As ecology-based agricultures rely greatly on soil organisms to perform the functions necessary for agricultural production, it is thus important to evaluate the performance of these systems through the lens of soil organisms, especially soil microbes. They provide numerous services to plants, including growth promotion, nutrient supply, tolerance to environmental stresses and protection against pathogens. An overwhelming majority of studies confirm that ecology-based agricultures are beneficial for soil microorganisms. However, three practices were identified as posing potential ecotoxicological risks: the recycling of organic waste products, plastic mulching, and pest and disease management with biopesticides. The first two because they can be a source of contaminants; the third because of potential impacts on non-target microorganisms. Consequently, developing strategies to allow a safe recycling of the increasingly growing organic matter stocks produced in cities and factories, and the assessment of the ecotoxicological impact of biopesticides on non-target soil microorganisms, represent two challenges that ecology-based agricultural systems will have to face in the future.

Title of publication: FEMS Microbiology Ecology
Том: 100
Выпуск: 4
Число страниц: https://academic.oup.com
Автор: Marie-Liesse Vermeire
Другие авторы: Clémence Thiour-Mauprivez, Caroline De Clerck
Год: 2024
Категория: Статья
Язык контента: English

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