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Drying of Springs in the Himalayan Region of Nepal: Perspectives of Local Government Leaders on Causes, Consequences, and Conservation Efforts

Spring water plays a crucial role in sustaining life in the Himalayas. Yet these vital water sources are drying as a result of natural and anthropogenic factors. In July and August 2020, we conducted phone interviews with leaders from 300 local government units across Nepal to identify the status of spring drying, the main causes, the consequences for local communities, measures adopted, conservation practices, and policies. Springs had dried up in 74% of local government units, with medium to severe problems across 44%. The scarcity of drinking water because of drying springs is the most severe issue, leading to outmigration in the search for water, as reported by 7% of the local governments. Road and infrastructure construction is the main cause of springs drying up, followed by earthquakes and climate change. Problems of spring drying are more prevalent in the Chure region, followed by the mid-hills and mountains. Local governments have used various strategies to mitigate the problem, such as rainwater harvesting, reforestation, lifting, and boring. Spring conservation work has been included in local governments' annual plans, programs, and budgets, but most of them focus on drinking water. Therefore, the problem must be addressed as quickly as possible with the participation of all stakeholders and following a bottom-up approach.

Title of publication: Mountain Research and Development
Том: 43
Выпуск: 4
Число страниц: R9-R15
Автор: Bhumika Thapa
Другие авторы: Chiranjibi Bhattarai, Ngamindra Dahal, Sushma Tiwari, Dean Jacobsen
Организация: Nepal Water Conservation Foundation
Другие организации: University of Copenhagen Denmark
Год: 2023
Страна/страны: Nepal
Географический охват: Азии и Тихого океана
Категория: Газетная статья
Язык контента: English

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