Платформа знаний о семейных фермерских хозяйствах

Local markets key to tackling global hunger crisis: Million Belay

Following the launch of the IPES-Food report entitled Food From Somewhere, Million Belay, AFSA General Coordinator, gave an interview with @ffinlocostain of 8point9.com. In his interview, he explained the importance of resilient territorial markets. Territorial markets can be local, national, or transboundary, and exist in rural, peri-urban, or urban areas. These markets are directly linked to local, national, and regional food systems, showcasing a diverse array of agricultural and local food products. They perform multiple economic, social, cultural, and ecological functions, making them highly profitable for smallholders. Legally, they maintain varying degrees of connection with public bodies and the State, operating under rules negotiated among producers, consumers, and authorities. Embedded within their systems, territorial markets are circular, ensuring wealth is retained and redistributed within the territory. They embody a solidarity economy, fostering political, social, and cultural relationships characterized by interdependence and solidarity. This holistic approach makes territorial markets essential for sustainable and resilient food systems.

Автор: Million Belay
Год: 2024
Географический охват: Африки
Категория: Видеоматериал
Язык контента: English

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