Платформа знаний о семейных фермерских хозяйствах

Training Manual for Rural Resource Centres

Making quality germplasm and inputs, and bringing services closer to farmers while creating green job opportunities for rural youth and women

Land is the main natural capital and decisive factor in producing food and ecosystem goods and services. The livelihood and well-being of farmers depend upon and are intricately linked to the health and productivity of land. However, land degradation is increasing. Global net primary productivity has been reduced by at least 5% due to land degradation, which is estimated at an economic value of between $6.3-$10.6 trillion per year (or 10-17% of global GDP). The impact is particularly severe on the livelihoods of poor people who depend heavily on natural resources. Over time, land degradation can increase the vulnerability of rural communities to biological and environmental hazards and to the effects of climate change.

Автор: Mulugeta Mokria
Другие авторы: Niguse Hagazi, Kiros Hadgu, Abrham Abiyu, Gebrehiwot Hailemariam, Habtemariam Kassa, Sammy Carsan, Mieke Bourne
Организация: CIFOR-ICRAF
Год: 2023
Категория: Справочник
Язык контента: English

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