Платформа знаний о семейных фермерских хозяйствах

The Global Subnational Agricultural Production (GSAP) database

Data for empowering food security worldwide

Any efforts to understand or address agricultural production need to start with fundamental questions: Which crops are being planted every year? Where exactly are they being planted? How much is produced? And how much land is being used to produce it?

The Global Subnational Agricultural Production (GSAP) database aims to gather the answers to these questions, and to make them available to policymakers and decisionmakers working to improve food security at all levels.

Автор: Rafaela Flah
Другие авторы: Javier Godar, Vivian Ribeiro, Simon Croft
Организация: Stockholm Environment Institute
Год: 2024
Категория: Информационный сборник
Язык контента: English

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