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CGIAR Research Initiative on Agroecology

Annual Technical Report 2023

CGIAR Technical Reporting has been developed in alignment with the CGIAR Technical Reporting Arrangement. This Initiative report (“Type 1” report) constitutes part of the broader CGIAR Technical Report. Each CGIAR Research Initiative submits an annual “Type 1” report, which provides assurance on Initiative-level progress towards End of Initiative outcomes.

The CGIAR Technical Report comprises:

• Type 1 Initiative, Impact Platform, and Science Group Project (SGP) reports, with quality assured results reported by Initiatives, Platforms and SGPs available on the CGIAR Results Dashboard.

• The Type 3 Portfolio Performance and Project Coordination Practice Change report, which focuses on internal practice change.

• The Portfolio Narrative, which draws on the Type 1 and Type 3 reports, and the CGIAR Results Dashboard, to provide a broader view on Portfolio coherence, including results, partnerships, country and regional engagement, and synergies among the Portfolio’s constituent parts.

Издатель: CGIAR
Автор: Marcela Quintero
Другие авторы: Chris Dickens
Организация: CGIAR
Год: 2024
Страна/страны: Burkina Faso, India, Kenya, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Peru, Senegal, Tunisia, Zimbabwe
Категория: Доклад
Полный текст: https://hdl.handle.net/10568/141674
Язык контента: English

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