Платформа знаний о семейных фермерских хозяйствах

Module 1: Climate-smart integrated homestead gardening

Climate-smart farmer field school curriculum

The climate smart farmer field school (FFS) initiative for smallholder farmers in Jordan has been launched under the project Building Resilience to Cope with Climate Change in Jordan Through Improving Water Use Efficiency in the Agriculture Sector (BRCCJ). A suite of climate smart FFS training materials has been developed for different crops, cropping systems, and climate smart agriculture technologies. The curriculum has 6 modules, namely, Module 1 Climate Smart Integrated Homestead Gardening, Module 2 Climate Smart Hydroponic Leafy Vegetable Production, Module 3 Climate Smart Integrated Fruit Orchards, Module 4 Climate Smart High Value Vegetables Agribusiness, Module 5 Climate Smart Rainfed Wheat and Barley, and Module 6 Climate Smart Livestock Fodder Bank. In support of the modules, catalogues for climate smart agriculture technology have been developed to aid facilitators and farmer learning.In this module, several essential water-smart technologies that are instrumental in establishing and managing successful IHG in the project areas in Jordan have been introduced, including the following technologies: Sub-surface deep root irrigation system, Wicking beds, Cocoons, Plantable gabions, Smart irrigation technology, Treated greywater for fruit trees, Hydroponics for household (HH) level vegetable production, hydroponics for HH level fodder production (Azolla).By promoting sustainable food production and enhancing climate resilience, IHG offers a promising pathway towards adapting to climate change and water scarcity while achieving food security, livelihood improvements, and environmental sustainability in Jordan's agriculture sector.”

Издатель: FAO
Автор: Jam Muhammad Khalid
Другие авторы: Rania Wajdi Ibrahim, Nicholas Molyneux, Rand Alamoush
Организация: FAO
Год: 2024
ISBN: 978-92-5-139108-2
Страна/страны: Jordan
Географический охват: Ближнего Востока и Северной Африки
Категория: Книга
Язык контента: English

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