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Description of a daily fishing activity from a small-scale fisherman in Central Greece (Korinthiakos Gulf)

In Greek waters, the diversification of small-scale fishery in terms of spatio-temporal operations,  types of fishing gear, target species, and market pathways (Tzanatos et al. 2005) hinders various difficulties in monitoring the small-scale fisheries of an area. In an effort to reduce this uncertainty, Tzanatos et al. (2006) categorized Greek small-scale fisherman into three groups with reference to their dependence on fisheries; fully dependent, partially dependent and non-dependent. According to that classification, fully dependent fisherman: (a) exhibited the highest number of fishing days (229.4 days), (b) owned a small-scale vessel (7 m), (c) mainly use gill and trammel nets, and (d) has very good knowledge/experience of the area and market demands. Such typology facilitates the focus on a certain small part of the fleet and offers the potential to bypass the aforementioned monitoring difficulties of small-scale fisheries. In the present study, a fully dependent small-scale fisherman operating in Korinthiakos Gulf was monitored based on: (a) his systematic fishing activity because he has no other alternative sources of income, but  fishing, (b) the fact that he is owned a small-scale vessel (5.8 m length), and (c) the main gear used. The definition of the basic characteristics of the small-scale fisheries in space and time is usually achieved through statistically planned samplings (Pelletier and Ferraris 2000) that provide a snapshot of the fishing activity throughout the year. In the present study, the high-frequency monitoring aims to reduce the uncertainty raised by the temporal heterogeneity of the Greek small-scale fishing activity (Tzanatos et al. 2005) to highlight decisions made by the fisherman in medium time scale. The selection of the fisherman was based on the above-mentioned criteria, whereas the choice of the study area (Korinthiakos Gulf) was based on its high contribution to the small-scale fishery; over 65.6 and 7.4 % of the total landings in the area and in the Greek Ionian Sea, respectively (Moutopoulos and Stergiou 2012). Korinthiakos Gulf is also characterized by extended heterogeneity of the coastline and sea bed, a fact that increases the differentiation of the fishing tactics followed by the professional small-scale fishermen. The aims of the study were to: (a) describe the species composition from a professional small-scale  fishery, (b) define fishing tactics, target and incidentally caught species and (c) test the adequacy of the minimum landing sizes (MLS) based on the EU regulation 1967/2006 in relation to fishing tactics and target species. 

Автор: Dimitrios K. Moutopoulos , Alexis Ramfos , Catherine Moukas , George Katselis
Год: 2014
Страна/страны: Greece
Категория: Статья
Язык контента: English

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