Платформа знаний о семейных фермерских хозяйствах

A strategic approach to Malta’s new Rural Development Programme, 2014-2020

The project engaged with key stakeholders through interviews and discussion groups to explore a range of identified thematic issues, along with economic modeling to explore impacts of alternative measures and CAP reform on the agricultural economy of Malta. The aim was to develop a strategy to enable Malta to make the best possible use of EU funding from both pillars of the new CAP. This strategy will then be explored with all the relevant policy makers, authorities and stakeholder organizations which would then form the foundation on which to build an action plan for preparing the detailed RDP 2014-2020, through an inclusive and iterative process which achieved buy-in from the key actors and interested parties, giving an enhanced probability of the programme’s success in achieving its goals, once implemented. The focus of the work carried out by CCRI and the local consultants was to develop the action plan that will lead to the production of the RDP, and not to create the RDP itself.

Год: 2013
Страна/страны: Malta
Категория: Технический документ
Полный текст: http://www.ccri.ac.uk/malta/
Язык контента: English

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