Платформа знаний о семейных фермерских хозяйствах

The Main Trends and Prospects of the Agricultural Development in Serbia

Agriculture can be qualified as a specific sector that represents an important part in implementing strategic vision of the Serbian economy's development. The reason for this is that over the past decades the accumulation that other sectors cannot provide has been drawn from this sector and that the great potential that Serbia possesses in this sector is not completely and adequately utilized. However, the development of this sector is burdened by the problems that have been created as a consequence of the impact of factors in the internal and external environment over the years. This point to the need for creating the efficient agricultural policy that will use transition as a chance for solving them and creating the conditions for agricultural development in Serbia through the adequate application of instruments. The aim of this paper is to point to the need for integral observation of Serbian agriculture development in the future through the analysis of trends in this sector, not only because of the strategic character it has, but because it can become an important producer of GVA (gross value added) jointly with the industrial sector.

Том: 7
Выпуск: 4
Число страниц: 373-384
Автор: Marija Petrović-Ranđelović, Vladislav Marjanović
Год: 2010
Страна/страны: Serbia
Категория: Статья
Язык контента: Serbian

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