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Fighting to Save the Icelandic Goat

Háafell is the only commercial and breeding goat farm in Iceland and it works specifically with one of the world’s oldest and rarest breed of goats: the Iceland Goat. For years, the Icelandic Goat has been teetering on the verge of extinction. At one point, the Icelandic Goat population had fallen to less than 90 animals worldwide. Feeling as if she had to do something to prevent the breed’s collapse, Þorvaldsdóttir left her successful career as a nurse and focused her energy on saving the Icelandic Goat. Now, thanks in part to her efforts, there are just over 800 Iceland Goats scattered on farms around the globe and the breed also enjoys the distinction of being part of the Slow Food International Ark of Taste, a catalog of endangered, heritage breeds and other historical foods.

Автор: Audra Mulkern
Организация: modern farmer
Год: 2014
Страна/страны: Iceland
Категория: Веб-сайт
Язык контента: English

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