The apiary, a prosperous opportunity for young farmers
Romania has over 11 hectares of melliferous flora, with a potential of over 200 thousands tones honey and thus it can ensure good conditions for over 1.7 million bee families. In Iaşi County, apiculture is the main economic activity for many inhabitants living in Comarna, Tomeşti, Paşcani and Trifeşti – the best melliferous areas in the county. Here, apiculture is favoured by the linden tree forests. Linden tree forests in Iaşi County occupy the second place in Romania, as surface (15,000 hectares). Therefore, Sebastian Ciocan’s business idea was natural. He registered in the Rural Land Register as a self-employed person and started his journey. He started its project with 28 bee families and, even from the beginning, he envisaged the increase of the number of bee families as well as the purchase of multi-layered structure hives, which are well-known for their productivity.