Платформа знаний о семейных фермерских хозяйствах

Family Farming & Research

This document was produced as a result of the “International Encounters on Family Farming and Research“ held in Montpellier, June 1-3, 2014. The conference brought together three hundred participants from the different continents representing family farmers, policy makers, the private sector, as well as teachers and researchers. Research agendas relating to family farming and the challenges it faces in the context of global change afoot were discussed. Addresses by policymakers such as the Ministers of Agriculture of France and Senegal (Stéphane Le Foll and Papa Seck), the European Commission-Deputy Director General of Agriculture and rural development (Monique Pariat) or IFAD President (Kanayo Nwanze) and by farmer representatives (WFO, La Via Campesina, WRF) were followed by lectures (Hans Herren, Gordon Conway, Marcela Villarreal, Marion Guillou, Robin Bourgeois) and discussions held in seven working groups (themes and details are available on the Encounters website).

Место: Montpellier, France
Автор: Jean-Michel Sourisseau
Другие авторы: Rémi Kahane, Pierre Fabre, Bernard Hubert,
Организация: Agropolis International
Другие организации: World Rural Forum (WFO), CGIAR, GFAR
Год: 2015
Категория: Работа конференции
Язык контента: English

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