Limited rationality of tobacco producers family farmers at Rio Pardo Valley - Rio Grande do Sul
This dissertation aimed to analyze the process of rationality that sustains the decision of family farmers to produce or stop producing tobacco. To that end, 63 farmers from Vale do Rio Pardo microregion, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, were interviewed. The information was analyzed with the analytical aid of bounded rationality, proposed by Herbert Simon and used by scholars of the New Institutional Economics. Using this approach, it was sought to understand the motivations and factors that lead the farmers to grow tobacco. The analysis was developed through quantitative and qualitative data empirically obtained in a semi structured questionary used to conduct the interviews with farmers. Through the identification of key players involved in tobacco production, it was found that the activity is the result of a complex organizational and social structure consisting of many interdependent agents. Their performances are based on social, cultural and economic rules established by the institutional context. The relationships between farmers and agribusinesses are characterized by a pattern of uneven and contradictory development. Despite the bounded rationality, the reactions of farmers across the cognitive conflict caused by dissatisfaction with their current situation and few or no alternatives for change are essentially linked to structural and subjective elements.
Even considering the action of bounded rationality, structural and subjective elements, the current situation of farmers and their future projects, in many cases found in this study, their reactions to the decision to produce or stop producing tobacco are more guided by lack of choice than by the action of bounded rationality of farmers. Added to these factors are farmers´ deficiencies in organization and incomplete information on the productive sector.