Платформа знаний о семейных фермерских хозяйствах

Feasibility of rural tourism in a forest property of Comuna de Valdivia: Alternative of sustainable resource management

The project was developed in a forest property in Calfuco, a coastal part of the Valdivia region, in which the resources were being exploited. Specific options of sustainable production that were different and complementary to those currently being carried out were identified, taking into consideration the current state of the property, including the possibility of incorporating some form of rural tourism as a viable activity.

A working group made up of profesionals workign in the agricultural, forestry and tourism areas was formed. Land information was compiled, after which the global situation was described by means of a FODA analysis. Based on the results of this analysis productive alternatives were suggested, according to the criteria of the different members of the working group.

With all the analyzed elements, a project named "Ecological Camping Calfuco" was designed and evaluated, which would be active during 118 days of the year. Using three and a half hectares of the property, zones for picnics, camping and/or cabins were created, in addition to zones for recreational sports, excursions in the forest, environmental education, parking and a cafe. Three zones were defined: A, a zone for camping and picnics for 80 people; B, a zone for camping, picnic and cabins for 90 people and C, a zone for camping, picnic and cabins for 100 people.

Finally, the economic results of the project were forecast over a 10-year time period, which suggested that situation A was the most viable, given its smaller level of investment and larger rates of return.

Title of publication: Agro Sur
Том: 32
ISSN: 0304-8802
Автор: Juan Lerdon F.
Другие авторы: Claudia Ponce Q.
Организация: Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh)
Год: 2004
Страна/страны: Chile
Географический охват: Латинской Америки и Карибского бассейна
Категория: Газетная статья
Язык контента: Spanish

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