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Global food security: challenges and options

EU Agricultural Markets Briefs

The recent USDA ERS International Food Security Assessment (IFSA, 2015) reports sharp declines (roughly 40 %) in food-insecure people in Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) during the last 20 years. Success was driven by rising per capita grain output in both regions and rapid import growth in LAC. Although the trend is also own ward, Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is lagging behind, despite the highest grain production growth of all the regions in the study. One of the main factors behind the results is the population growth, up 70 percent compared to 1995. Recent FAO numbers (Fan, 2015) confirm these trends, with world undernourishment prevalence declining from about 20% in the beginning of the 1990's to around 10% currently. For SSA, IFSA projects by 2025 an increase in food-insecure people of 100 million (compared to 250 million now), or 30% of the region’s total population. This is primarily due to prospects for deteriorating food security in a few countries. Civil conflicts and high population growth are the contributing factors. Despite a projected increase of roughly 50 million in Asia (compared to the 200 million now), the share that is food insecure will remain below 10 percent. For LAC, the number of food insecure people is projected to decrease, with a little over 10 percent of the region’s population food insecure in 2025.


Выпуск: 9
Автор: European Commission
Организация: European Union
Другие организации: European Commission
Год: 2015
Географический охват: Европейский союз
Категория: Журнал
Язык контента: English

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