Платформа знаний о семейных фермерских хозяйствах

What Will Become of Us: Voices from around the world on drought and El Nino

About 60 million people across Southern Africa and the Horn, Central America, and the Pacific face worsening hunger and poverty due to droughts and crop failures in 2014/5 that have been exacerbated by the El Niño weather system in 2015/6. This number is likely to rise. This short report gives a voice to some of the people that Oxfam is working with in Ethiopia, Malawi, Zimbabwe, El Salvador and Papua New Guinea.

Организация: Oxfam International
Год: 2016
Страна/страны: El Salvador, Ethiopia, Malawi, Papua New Guinea
Географический охват: Африки, Латинской Америки и Карибского бассейна
Категория: Доклад
Язык контента: English

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