Journal of Law and Rural Development
IFAD recognizes that securing the land and natural resource rights of its target groups is critical for the outcomes of the projects and programmes it supports, and in general for inclusive rural development and poverty eradication. Over the years, IFAD has supported a range of national, regional and global initiatives and measures aimed at improving the governance of land and natural resources. Key measures include strengthening both statutory and customary tenure systems and supporting the associated decentralized government and community-based institutions and organizations. It has also provided support for the formulation of policies and legislation relating to land and natural resources; for civic education and public consultation on land and natural resource rights; for the strengthening of conflict resolution; and for legal aid services aimed at defending rights. Support for regional and global initiatives includes technical and financial support for the formulation of the Africa Land Policy Framework and Guidelines and the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure. Although IFAD’s support for tenure security measures accounts for a small percentage of its overall investments, it has been found that relatively modest investment can have a significant impact on development outcomes.