
The global information system on small-scale fisheries (ISSF): A crowdsourced knowledge platform

Addressing fisheries data gaps requires innovative mechanisms such as the Information System on Small-scale Fisheries (ISSF) which is built on crowdsourced knowledge.

The system is designed to be open, interactive, flexible, and comprehensive. It enables local description, regional comparisons, and large-scale syntheses while aiming to de-marginalize small-scale fisheries and improve governance.

Title of publication: Marine Policy
作者: Ratana Chuenpagdee
其他作家: Delphine Rocklin, David Bishop, Matthew Hynes, Randal Greene, Miguel R. Lorenzi, Rodolphe Devillers
组 织: Too Big To Ignore
年份: 2017
类别: Газетная статья
内容语言: English
