
Good Agricultural Practices for Bananas

Global G.A.P is a global standard aiming to ensure the implementation of Good Agricultural Practices in primary production. The fundamental objective of Global G.A.P is to promote safe and sustainable agricultural production worldwide, setting voluntary standards for the certification of agricultural products. It addresses issues such as food safety, environmental protection, safety, health and welfare of workers, and traceability. In 2014 Global G.A.P reported more than 139,000 certified producers in more than 118 countries, and more than 1600 auditors and inspectors working for 141 accredited certifiers . In the banana production case, the standard for fruits and vegetables is applied. This covers all stages of production, including pre-harvest, soil management and applications of plant protection products as well as the processes of post-harvest, packaging and storage. Under the standard of fruits and vegetables, in 2016, Global G.A.P reported more than 160,000 certified producers in 124 countries . In 2011, the area (ha) of certified bananas represented 9% of the total certified area across all open field crops, and approximately 6% of the total number of certified producers.

组 织: Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)
年份: 2017
类别: 情况说明
内容语言: English
