
Nourishing the world, organically - The story of Sylvia Kuria, organic farmer in Kenya

Sylvia Kuria, an organic farmer from Kenya, shares the story of her organic farm.

"I’ve got so many reports where they say, you know, your kale, your spinach, your carrots are so sweet. I tell them it’s because they are just growing in the natural way that they were supposed to have grown. We are not altering anything about the plant. It is just growing the way it is supposed to be and that is why it is that tasty."

作者: IFOAM Organics International
其他作家: Sylvia's basket
组 织: IFOAM Organics International
其他组织: Sylvia's basket
年份: 2017
国家: Kenya
类别: 视频
内容语言: English
