
Water-food security nexus in Middle East and North Africa Region: an exploratory assessment

The multifaceted relationships between water resources and food security (FS) are at the core of sustainable development challenge in Middle East and North Africa (MENA). This paper proposes a multidimensional analysis of two indices related to water security and FS. The five components of the Water Poverty Index (mWPI) - Resources, Access, Use, Capacity and Environment – and the three components of the Global Food Security Index (GFSI) - Availability, Affordability and Food quality and safety - have been analysed and correlated. Results indicate a positive correlation between mWPI and GFSI, while correlation is higher when considering only Capacity and Access components. The correlation between mWPI with the different dimensions of the GFSI shows a higher correlation with food availability and food quality/safety. Integrating water security metrics into FS indices could be a useful step to operationalize water-food -nexus and to design effective actions and strategies to achieve FS in the MENA region.

Title of publication: New Medit
卷号: 16
期号: 4
页数: 31-38
作者: Alessandra Scardigno
其他作家: Roberto Capone, Hamid El Bilali, Gianluigi Cardone
年份: 2017
地理范围: 近东及北非
类别: Газетная статья
内容语言: English
