
SIMRA - Newsletter March 2018

SIMRA (Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas) is a four-year project (2016-2020) funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme. It aims to advance understanding of social innovation and innovative governance in agriculture, forestry and rural development – and how to boost them – in marginalised rural areas across Europe and around the Mediterranean, including non-EU countries.
SIMRA’s newsletter is back! We have been busy over the past few months working hard on a policy brief for DG Agri, training the case study teams and publishing collections of examples of social innovation. So, stay tuned to learn more about interesting social innovation initiatives all over Europe and the Mediterranean area!
作者: Euromontana
组 织: SIMRA
年份: 2018
地理范围: 阿拉伯马格里布联盟 (AMU), 欧洲联盟
类别: 简讯
内容语言: English
