
Agrobiodiversity in Southeast Europe - Assessment and Policy Recommendations

The three-year project “Rural Development through Integrated Forest and Water Resource Management in Southeast Europe (LEIWW)” is jointly implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the Standing Working Group for Regional Rural Development (SWG RRD). The project aims to improve the regional capacities for sustainable management of natural resources for the development of rural areas of Southeast European countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.

作者: Mr. Hugo Rivera, PhD; Mr. Helmut Gaugitsch, PhD; Mr. Andreas Bartel, PhD; Mr. Stefan Schindler, PhD
年份: 2018
国际标准图书编号: 978-608-4536-21-5
地理范围: 欧洲及中亚
类别: 报告
内容语言: English
