
What’s New, Webby?: A new Women in Fisheries project

New research exploring women’s roles in fishing families officially got going in August 2018, with the launch of the new Women in Fisheries project website. This research examines how women contribute to the survival of both fishing families and the fishing industry, and will shed light on women’s roles, identities and well-being. Collecting data on both sides of the Atlantic – in Newfoundland, Canada, and in the United Kingdom – the Women in Fisheries project is also hoping to understand how small-scale fishing families (those using boats under ten meters in length) are adapting to a changing environmental and economic climate.

Title of publication: Yemaya ICSF's Newsletter on Gender and Fisheries
期号: 58
页数: 10
作者: Venugopalan N
组 织: International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
年份: 2018
类别: 通讯文章
内容语言: English
