
Farming Matters: Co-creation of knowledge

This issue of Farming Matters illustrates how the collective creation of knowledge lies at the heart of agroecology rooted in family farming.

It presents stories of farmers, scientists, urban citizens, government officials, NGOs, and others who have jointly created agroecological solutions that are suited to their own, local contexts.

The magazine presents inspiring examples from Costa Rica, Brazil, Ecuador, Iran, India, the Netherlands, China and Zimbabwe, as well as expert perspectives on the challenges and possible solutions.

Title of publication: Farming Matters - Experiences in family farming and agroecology
卷号: 32.1
期号: 3
国际标准刊号: ISSN: 2210-6499
组 织: ILEIA
其他组织: AgriCultures Network
年份: 2016
类别: 杂志文章
内容语言: English
