
Mulch and seed banks: conservation farming in Zimbabwe

Launched in 2006, a conservation farming project has transformed hundreds of farmers’ lives in Zimbabwe’s Nkayi District. Once food-aid beneficiaries, these farmers now produce enough maize to cover family needs, with some producing an excess for sale. Farmers produce their own maize seed each year, which are made available to others through the community seed banks they have formed.

发布者: Alliance for Foos Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)
作者: Alliance for Foos Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)
其他作家: Oakland Institute
组 织: Alliance for Foos Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)
其他组织: Oakland Institute
年份: 2015
国家: Zimbabwe
地理范围: 非洲
类别: 个案研究
内容语言: English
