
FishCounts: increasing the visibility of small-scale fisheries in Cambodia’s national planning

Artisanal and family fishing make a significant contribution to Cambodia’s economy and food security. Community fisheries are already empowered to manage local fisheries resources, but small-scale fisheries are often overlooked in policy making, partly due to a lack of reliable data. Developing a fisheries satellite account through the System of Environmental and Economic Accounts — Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries would clarify the value such fishers bring to the economy, what investment and policy responses they need, and the sustainability of the country’s current fisheries activities. This report explores the current state of Cambodia’s fisheries and the data that would be needed to develop such a set of accounts. It considers the country’s existing statistical information and monitoring efforts, and where the gaps, inconsistencies and overlaps lie. It proposes a phased approach to build on what already exists to create greater visibility for the contribution of small-scale fisheries to the national economy and their role in developing sustainable fishing and aquaculture in the face of growing demands and climate change.

作者: Camille Bann
其他作家: Lieng Sopha
组 织: International Institute for Environment and Development
年份: 2020
国家: Cambodia
地理范围: 亚洲及太平洋
类别: 工作文件
内容语言: English
