
Mexico: Pandemic outcomes

Women in the small scale fishing sector in Mexico are key drivers ensuring food security and community wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic. The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have surpassed all imaginable scenarios. The global crisis moves fast and changes quickly, hence forcing people to adapt and navigate through uncertainty as never before. Every generation faces impacts that shake their minds and force them to leave their comfort zone. This is an impact for a lifetime, for current and new generations. Other shocks have posed risks to fisheries before; some of them being global (climate change), regional (overfishing) or even local (illegal fishing, poverty, poor fishing management tools, lack of enforcement), to name only a few. However, the impact of the current pandemic greatly eclipses these in terms of scale and outcome.

Title of publication: Yemaya ICSF's Newsletter on Gender and Fisheries
期号: 61
页数: 16-18
作者: Inés López-Ercilla, Jorge Torre, Neyra Solano, Francisco Fernández
组 织: The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
年份: 2020
国家: Mexico
类别: 通讯文章
内容语言: English
