
Enacting Resilience: the Response of Local Solidarity-based Partnerships for Agroecology to the Covid-19 Crisis

Since the beginning of the outbreak in December 2019, the on-going Covid-19 crisis has had multiple impacts on how our food systems work and operate, from the closing of covered food market halls and open-air markets to the prolonged school shut-downs (up to 10 weeks in many European countries). The weaknesses and gaps in the global food distribution system have never been so obvious. The exploitative reliance on migrant labour on large-scale industrial farms, and the related fear of countrywide food shortages and gaps in distribution in long supply chains amongst consumers and businesses alike (especially during the early stages of the pandemic in February and March 2020), also highlight the urgent need to adapt collective production and consumption food patterns. In the midst of the crisis, the need for solidarity-based, resilient food systems became increasingly evident. Long-standing and viable models such as Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) and other types of Local Solidarity-based Partnerships for Agroecology (LSPAs) have played a critical role in feeding local communities safely and efficiently. The crisis also amplified the connection between production of and access to local food, climate change, and the potential of sustainable agroecological practices of small-scale family farms to provide healthy, nutritious food for all. The relocalisation of our food systems and grounding them more strongly in direct short supply chains between producers and consumers can play a key role in ensuring that solidarity economy and food sovereignty - two of the critical levers in this essential struggle for the survival of humanity - become recognized and normalized around the world.

组 织: Urgenci
年份: 2021
类别: 报告
内容语言: English
