
Welcome to the European database for organic seeds

The European database for organic seed has been developed within the EU project LIVESEED. Its objective is to create more transparency for the EU member states and for seed suppliers regarding available offers of organic seeds, and to increase the supply of organic seed in the EU member states and Switzerland.

The national databases, however, will continue to be the basis for farmers to check the availability of organic seeds and to apply for derogations when necessary. The European database enables seed suppliers to manage their supply in all EU member states and Switzerland from one account. Registered seed suppliers can upload information about their available organic seed supply and indicate to which countries the individual offers can be delivered. When a seed supplier requests to list a seed offer in a national database, the competent authority receives a notification to verify the information provided by the seed supplier. The competent authority may then include the offer in its national database. Seed suppliers will continue to have the possibility to notify their seed supply directly to the national database manager and thus submit offers. Seed suppliers will be free to use the European database, it is not obligatory.

组 织: Live Seed
年份: 2021
国家: European Union
地理范围: 欧洲联盟
类别: 网站
内容语言: English
