
Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission convenes amid COVID-19’s continued menace to world’s fisheries hub

The 36th Session of the Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission (APFIC) has wrapped up the first of its three-day biennial session, convened in its first all-virtual format, amid ongoing uncertainties created within fishery-food supply chains caused by the global pandemic.

In opening the Commission Session, the Director-General of the Department of Fisheries of the Royal Thai Government noted that the onset of COVID-19 had placed a tremendous impact on the world's socio-economic situation in all regions, in particular, the fisheries and aquaculture sectors.

“The whole supply chain from farms or nets to plate is seriously affected,” said Mesak Pakdeekong. “Alongside food hygiene and safety concerns, there are also issues related to labour in fisheries, fisheries monitoring, and surveillance as well as in trade and marketing. The Asia-Pacific region is a global hub of fish production, but adaptation to cope with the current situation is challenging and we must focus on the use of technologies and innovations for the development and enhancement of effectiveness in aquatic animal production,” he said.

组 织: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO
年份: 2021
地理范围: 亚洲及太平洋
类别: 博文
内容语言: English
