
Agroecological training on biofertilisers improves women’s livelihoods in Togo.

In the Plateaux region of Togo, the natural richness of the soil means that farming is the primary livelihood of those who live there. In the Kpélé Prefecture, in the south-west, the relatively mild climates and good rainfall should make it perfect for agriculture. However, the farming communities have witnessed a slow deterioration in soil fertility and yield quantity and quality in recent years. 

作者: : KUADJOVI-AYEDEU Efua Eve Manu, Project Assistant, Young Volunteers for the Environment, Togo
组 织: Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)
年份: np
国家: Togo
地理范围: 非洲
类别: 个案研究
内容语言: English
