
The impact of COVID-19 on Old World Camelids and their potential role to combat a human pandemic

Camel breeding has been a common activity in arid countries in Africa (North Africa and Sahelian countries) and in Asia (Middle East, South, and Central Asia up to China) throughout history. Despite the marginal importance at the world level, the social and economic role of these species in arid lands is widely commented and is strongly increasing due to the recent enthusiasm for camel products . Highly adapted to the desert ecosystem , camels are multipurpose animals used for production (milk, meat, wool, and manure;  leisure (racing and beauty;  transportation, and agricultural work. No other domestic species provides such a variety of uses for the human population, especially in harsh environmental conditions. However, the potential role of camels as an important food source in arid regions has not been taken into account seriously until recently. Albeit, the camel population shows a constant 2% yearly increase in the last 50 years reaching approximately 35 million heads in 2018 . This population increase is partly due to desertification and, therefore, the geographical expansion of these species and to the renewed interest in camel products, mainly camel milk. In parallel with population growth, the production of camel milk and meat have also been growing at a rate of over 3%–5% yearly, reaching an estimated 3.14 million tons of milk and 557,000 tons of meat in 2018

Title of publication: Animal Frontiers,
卷号: 11
期号: 1
页数: 60-66
作者: Peter Nagy, Ulrich Wernery, Pamela Burger, Judit Juhasz, and Bernard Faye
年份: 2021
类别: Газетная статья
全文见: https://watermark.silverchair.com/vfaa048.pdf?token=AQECAHi208BE49Ooan9kkhW_Ercy7Dm3ZL_9Cf3qfKAc485ysgAAArkwggK1BgkqhkiG9w0BBwagggKmMIICogIBADCCApsGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4wEQQMo5T3MgRfWSD0WC5kAgEQgIICbCmzOMxFJwOL3y6wHSPTd90vF03Xiobqaeke2R4wBERebLyKolE7P_QQErIsqeEv7l_eFEjwvnQPsiYattbpJe5YBimygKetsQgwwNh2v_KwpR-yIyDllmQ72RxtvZ2rwWxk8_-rPdBR0ZCa3UDQLbtq1soSdTvNLWVyV62W8lxrND_SXXfAN4osO7XAc3ueVgqfYUq8VHij_9iUonG3vIIfgc9w9X-i_Ixb5qw3p0k6tAX6rDgzms946Erhtf4C3RLk61U8ONpQuxXar02XZHd68WSvCpKdMmoYQTIbvl5A40GjHH17Lgd-NZITJ_79bMUToq7LXfqyXuFaAGk5FvEH9OtC16avgjnmirPYVfo_hzTW6vTalVN-aWdbdiso27DvodzbxMU6_4vNflDIlEgT2cIN8GwFjL_wjw058zHbzno-DthuJtdiaWOc-NzUNmAow4gbu_gzWP7bJpmwmJ05iYz57BlMrt8PChwwIHwj1C9CoZqwYhsrNYByAL_adg-qJPUC5C22l5TX30_Om2FIhZYBNbFXk7tMKrhg7uDLrLlu_xKKyssGEWtXjCMXfbGtV08Dh5AAHzK-ILLVvUpjX9nvXR_vk1ngZFoQSt4RD0ugxz3joDFxhDC8ueTWChd8r-vYuZUcynbbkqtaqDROQdkLDzUDxKTZEJLl882J_Qqeg7G_FeVHDRFgC7B4ok91F2B6CO5o0b1tamIdDwu8Q_Tj9abwEss3UUT0piACETXdnDoeE-glS47sUGzwj1bZH5VzyEbtUZrmaImFaTI_ngk7PxD0Lm83DeffyTVY2RJz1HFWWkmzFthr
内容语言: English
