
Adopt ecological organic agriculture to curb global hunger, malnutrition, says ECOWAS expert

Mr. Ernest Aubee, Head of the ECOWAS Commission's Agriculture Division stated that half of the world's population is undernourished, with 3.4 billion people suffering from hunger, malnutrition, and obesity. Agroecology, according to Aubee, is one of the strategies to secure food security, as well as the health of people and the environment. Agroecology, he explained, is the application of ecology to agricultural systems with the goal of developing an ecological framework that does not require external inputs. According to Aubee, who is in charge of the ECOWAS Commission's Food and Nutrition Security Programmes, agroecology practice allows for the essential interaction among species for the system to operate better.

Title of publication: https://www.sunnewsonline.com/
年份: 2021
地理范围: 非洲
类别: 博文
内容语言: English
