
Knowledge of sustainable agriculture at your fingertips

Guest blog dedicated to Access Agriculture 10th Anniversary

Traditionally, inadequate delivery of agricultural support services has been, and still is, a major challenge in most parts of the world. 

Since 2012, Access Agriculture has reached out to more than 90 million farmers, and is striving to reach more farmers globally, promoting agroecological principles and rural entrepreneurship through capacity development and South-South exchange of quality farmer-to-farmer training videos.

Title of publication: Access Agriculture Blog
作者: Brian Kigongo Ssengo
其他作家: Access Agriculture
组 织: Access Agriculture
年份: 2022
国家: Uganda
地理范围: 非洲, 中部非洲经济及货币共同体 (CEMAC), 东部及南部非洲共同市场 (COMESA), 萨赫勒-撒哈拉国家共同体 (CEN-SAD), East African Community (EAC), 中部非洲国家经济共同体 (ECCAS), 西非国家经济共同体 (ECOWAS), 南部非洲发展共同体 (SADC)
类别: 博文
内容语言: English
