
Local procurement from family farming for the school feeding programme

This guideline outlines the step-by-step implementation of direct purchases from family farming for school feeding, considering the pilot implementation of the sustainable schools model in Belize within the framework of Mesoamerica Hunger Free AMEXCID-FAO programme. The document presents the benefits and challenges of the connection between school feeding and family farming; a brief context of food and nutrition policies and programs, public procurement mechanisms, agriculture and family farming status, and the school feeding initiatives in Belize; as well as general recommendations for the adequate design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of procurement from local family farming for the school feeding program component.

发布者: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
组 织: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
其他组织: Mesoamerica Hunger Free AMEXCID-FAO programme
年份: 2022
国际标准图书编号: 978-92-5-136255-6
国家: Belize
地理范围: 加勒比共同体 (CARICOM)
类别: 准则
内容语言: English
