
Legumes: a superfood for people and soils

Every year in September, during ‘India Nutrition Week,’ nutritionists, health gurus, development professionals, chefs, and other food and nutrition experts converge across the subcontinent to discuss and promote the benefits of a balanced diet for a healthy lifestyle. While malnutrition rates have dropped significantly in India over the past decades, it has not been fully eradicated among the poorest.

Countless campaigns are organized in schools and in the media to promote healthy foods – especially fruits, vegetables, and pulses – to combat malnutrition and support optimal brain and body development. 

In India, about a third of the population follows a plant-based diet. And while pulses have been a centerpiece of Indian traditional cuisine for millennia, per capita consumption of pulses must increase to boost people’s health and nutrition profiles.

年份: 2022
国家: India
地理范围: 亚洲及太平洋, 近东及北非
类别: 博文
内容语言: English
